An Introduction to Endodontics.
“As an endodontic patient at Contemporary Endodontics, what should I expect?” A typical visit to Contemporary Endodontics begins with completing paperwork, which includes your medical history and consent forms. It is advisable to bring a list of all the medications (over-the-counter and prescription) that you regularly/have taken within the past month. Once all forms are complete, an assistant will review and chart your chief complaint, the referring dentist’s information, and history of the tooth pain before taking x-rays of your teeth.
Once your first set of x-rays is complete, you will be greeted by your Contemporary Endodontist, who will review your paperwork and evaluate symptoms prior to testing the tooth in question along with adjacent teeth. After the tests are complete, a diagnosis will be given to determine the best treatment care and prognosis. Possible post-treatment decisions such as a crown on the treated tooth will be addressed.
Your Endodontist will make you aware of the benefits, options, and risks involved in order for you to understand how endodontic treatment is a way of saving your tooth.
Your teeth are made up of many different parts, including the enamel on the outside, the dentin in the middle and the pulp at the center of your tooth. The dental pulp is made up of nerves and blood vessels and other living cells that provide your tooth with important nutrients. The healthy dental pulp is essential to keeping the rest of the tooth healthy. If the pulp in your tooth is damaged, you may experience pain in your mouth, and your tooth may be vulnerable to decay and other problems.
Endodontics is a dental specialty that focuses on the health of the dental pulp. While there are treatments available that can replace an extracted tooth, no replacement will ever be equal to your original tooth. In order to save an original tooth, it is essential to keep the dental pulp healthy. If the dental pulp gets infected, it can cause serious problems. The most common endodontic procedure is a root canal. This treatment removes infected pulp so that the infection doesn’t lead to further problems and tooth decay. Once the infected pulp is removed, the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. Then it is filled and sealed to protect the inside layer of the tooth.
At Contemporary Endodontics, saving the original tooth is a high priority with our team. Keeping your original tooth gives you the most natural appearance, makes chewing easier, keeps normal sensations when you bite and protects surrounding teeth from excess wear and strain. If you want to save your original tooth, it is wise to seek out an endodontist.
Like a normal dentist, an endodontist has years of experience and schooling, but an endodontist has extra training and schooling. An endodontist also usually performs many more root canals than a traditional dentist. This means that an endodontist has experience and expertise that you won’t get somewhere else.